Scientific Graphics and Data Analysis


highlights of modifications for C-PLOT release 4.0.22


These release notes describe the changes or new features made for C-PLOT release 4.0.22 as of January 17, 2003.

Updated x11 Filter

The code for the x11 filter has been updated. In particular, the x11 window will now respond to a close operation from the window manager, as might be initiated by a title-bar button or window-ops menu item.

All Scripts and Filters Default To /usr/local/cplot

All parts of the package should now use /usr/local/cplot as the default C-PLOT home directory, if the environment variable CPLOTHOME is not set. If CPLOTHOME is not set, and /usr/local/cplot does not exist, the original default of /usr/cplot will be used. As always, of course, if CPLOTHOME is set in the environement, its value will be used for the C-PLOT home directory.

Port to Mac OS X

C-PLOT is now available for Mac OS X.