
highlights of modifications for C-PLOT release 4.0.17


These release notes describe the changes or new features made for C-PLOT release 4.0.17 as of January 8, 1996.

Fit User Function Command File Parsing Updated

The code used to find a command file when the command file is not in the current directory for the do command for type-5 fitting user functions has been modified to work the same way as it does in C-PLOT. See the do help file for an explanation of the rules for finding a command file.

psfilter Multipage Output Improved

Previously, when more than one page worth of plots were put in single output file, psfilter arranged the output file as a series of one page documents, each with a complete header and trailer. Although such files print out correctly, usually only the first page of the file is seen when using PostScript previewers, such as ghostview. Now psfilter will, by default, structure PostScript output that contains multiple plots as a single multipage document, appropriate for use with previewers. A new -multipage option to psfilter will restore the traditional behavior.

psfilter Encapsulated PostScript Output Improved

A problem in psfilter where a command to erase the plot in encapsulated mode would cause the cleared area to leak out of the bounding box has been fixed. See the psfilter help file for details on how the erase commands now work in encapsulated mode.