
command summary


eb [x|y|z] [0|1] Select error-bar modes
eb ? Display error-bar status
gd [opts] Get data points
lc [0|1] Toggle/Select line-control mode
np [x|y|z] Reset axes for new points
ra [x|y|z] Select axis ranges
ro [x|y|z] Select options for axis ranges
sa Print data on screen
sa [-b] file [a|w] Save data to file
gr [opts] Select video terminal type
v Erase screen and draw plot
va Draw PseudoGraphics axes
vp Draw PseudoGraphics points
vb [0|1] Select inclusion of axes
vt [0|1] Select automatic drawing

Drawing commands beginning with p control the pen plotter. Commands beginning with z control the graphics filter.

ch [p|z|0] Change target of drawing commands
p|pz z|zz Draw complete plot
pa za Draw axes and tick numbers
pb zb Draw error bars
pd zd Draw current date
pk zk [h v] Draw key (in cm from up-left corner)
pl zl Draw labels
pn zn [h v][file] Draw annotation (text from file)
pp zp Draw points
pt zt Draw title
in [opts] Open and initialize pen plotter.
in m [opts] Open plotter in eavesdropping mode.
pv [#] Pen velocity (-1 for plotter default)
p[...]w Don't move pen off page
px or ps Return pen to holder (eject page)
p# Select pen
rp Release exclusive use of pen plotter
sc [short long] Select scaling factors
ze Erase plot-clear screen
zE Erase current window
zi [filter][opts] Initialize filter/output to file
zf Select next filter
zf1 Select filter #1
zf2 Select filter #2
zq[...] Quiet (no tty echo)
zs Close filter, synchronize output
z[...]w Wait (don't close filter)
zx Close filter (after a zw)
z# Select line style (only on some filters)

(Commands can be strung together, for example: p1atl2pb or zqzdkw)

2d Select 2D mode
3d Select 3D mode
bo [x|. y|. z|.] Set 3D box size
cs [opts] Set character sizes
ft [#] Select font
gk Enter symbols and text for plot key
lo [lx ly ux uy] Set global location and size
re Reset (text, data, type, window, symbol)
se [opts] Set miscellaneous options
st [#] Select plot style
sw [angle] Set swivel angle
sy [char] Select plotting symbol
tu [0|1] Turn plot by 90 degrees
tx [opts] Enter text for plot labels and title
tw Interactively tweak plot orientation
ty [x y overall] Select 2D plot types
ty [x y z overall] Select 3D plot types
vi [x|. y|. z|.] Set 3D viewpoint
vi radius Set 3D viewpoint distance
wi [opts] Select size and location of plot window
yg [0|#] Select gap between y-axis and label
cd Change to home directory
cd direc Change to directory
er Erase video screen
ex or ^D Exit program
h [cmd] Get on-line help (about cmd)
u [cmd] Create UNIX subshell (run cmd)
^C (intr character) Usually returns to PLOT-> prompt
^D (eof character) End data-entry or exit program
(quit character) Immediate termination of C-PLOT
do cmdfile Take commands from file
em End making command file
mk cmdfile Make command file
sf [file] Save format in file
w Wait for user to hit <return>
fn [opts] Run user function #1
f1 [opts] Run user function #1
f2 [opts] Run user function #2
f3 [opts] Run user function #3
calc.4 Calculates and manipulates data
chaos.1 Generates chaotic data
curves.2 Generates plane curves
contour.4 Makes a contour plot from the data
fitpar.4 Reads in parameters from fits
hist.4 Makes a histogram from x data
psych.4 Generates psychedelic data
scans.4 Reads scan-format data files
shell.4 Filters data using any utility
smooth.4 Smooth data using running average
sort.4 Sorts data
spline.4 Interpolates points to smooth data
fft.4 Does fast Fourier transform of data

Type fn func.# to run the user function.