
open and initialize HP-GL plotter


in [m] [device] [baud]


Without an argument, in attempts to establish an input-output channel with the name assigned to the DEVICE parameter in the $CPLOTHOME/cplot_config or $HOME/cplot_config configuration files. If it is a serial device, the baud rate is taken from the BAUD parameter.

You can select the device name or baud rate or both by entering them as arguments after in.Entering m as an argument opens the HP-GL plotter in eavesdropping mode, where C-PLOT will try to use the same line as your terminal for the plotter. This only works with HP-GL plotters that implement eavesdropping mode and have been connected to the terminal and computer with a special Y-cable. Note also there is a D/Y switch on the plotter that must be in the Y position.

When not using eavesdropping mode, the program treats serial and GPIB (General Purpose Interface Bus) interfaces differently. The interface used is established in the configuration files according to the value of variable GPIB.

With a serial interface, the program uses ioctl() system calls to set the baud rate, turn off echoing, turn on XON-XOFF flow control and so on for the line to the plotter. The baud rate is taken from the value of BAUD in the configuration file. When the device is opened, the program sends out special HP-GL commands to configure the serial interface on the plotter.

The program does not do anything to configure a GPIB interface.


in /dev/com1

in m

