
Software for Diffraction - Counting

Starts the timer/clock counting for counts monitor counts. Returns zero.

Starts the timer/clock counting for t seconds, where t may be nonintegral. Returns zero.

Loads the built-in array S[] with the contents of the scalers.

Returns the string mnemonic of counter number counter as given in the configuration file. (Mnemonics are, at most, 7 characters long.) Resets to command level if not configured for counter.

Returns the string name of counter number counter as given in the configuration file. (Names are, at most, 15 characters long.) Returns "?" if not configured for counter.

Returns the counter number corresponding to the counter mnemonic mne, or -1 if there is no such counter configured.

counter_par(counter, par [, val ])
Returns or sets parameters associated with counter number counter as given in the configuration file. The following par arguments are supported for all counters:

returns the unit number of the indicated counter.

returns the channel number of the indicated counter.

returns the value of the scale factor set in the config file for the indicated counter.

returns nonzero if the hardware appears to be working for the indicated counter.

returns a string that indicates the controller type of the indicated counter.

returns a nonzero value if the counter has been disabled by software. If val is given and is nonzero, then the counter is disabled. If val is given and is zero, the counter becomes no longer disabled. A disabled counter channel will not be accessed by any of spec's counting commands. Any cdef()-defined macros will automatically exclude the portions of the macro keyed to the particular counter when the counter is software disabled.

In addition, device-dependent values for par are available for specific counter models. See the Hardware Reference for values for specific controllers.

The counting functions mcount() and tcount() both program the timer/clock for a specified count time. Before the count period begins, both functions clear and enable all configured scalers and MCAs. The routines return immediately, as counting is asynchronous. Use wait(), described below, to determine if counting has been completed. A ^C will halt the timer/clock.

When the count time has expired, or counting is aborted by a ^C, the scalers and MCAs are disabled. Normally, enable signals from the timer/clock are used to directly gate the scalers or MCAs. Software gating takes place whether or not hardware gating is in place and can be used in lieu of hardware gating, although the interval over which the gating occurs will not be as precisely controlled.