
macro-hardware facility


The macro-hardware facility links user-defined macro functions with spec's built-in C code for device control. The facility supports user-defined motors, counters, MCA-type (1D) and image-type (2D) devices, providing a simple method to control hardware devices that don't have spec's built-in support. (MCA support added in release 5.10.01-1, image devices in release 6.03.02.)

The facility also provides a simple method to implement calculational pseudomotors. Calculational pseudomotors are motions created by the combined movement of multiple real motors. For example, the gap and offset of a two-blade slit are derived from the real motions of two blades. Likewise, the height, pitch and roll of a table are derived from the real motions of three or four table legs.

There are up to three macro functions that can be defined for macro-hardware devices. During start up and on the reconfig command, spec will call a configuration macro for each macro-hardware controller unit and for each macro-hardware motor and counter channel. This macro function is required for calculational pseudomotors and for MCA- and image-type devices to return necessary configuration settings, but optional for regular motor and counter controllers.

For each low-level command corresponding to built-in spec functions to implement motor, counter, MCA or image control capabilities, spec will call a command macro function. The command function is called with various parameters when spec sends commands to count, move motors, etc. The function only needs to implement a subset of the available parameters, as described in detail below.

For calculational pseudomotors, spec will instead call a calculation macro function to calculate the position of each pseudomotor based on the real motor positions and to calculate the real motor positions based on a target pseudomotor position.

Finally, spec will call an optional parameter macro function to set or get values associated with the built-in motor_par(), counter_par(), mca_par() and image_par() functions.


To enable a macro motor or counter, configure a macro controller on the Devices screen of configuration editor, as follows:

 MOTORS  DEVICE  ADDR  <>MODE  NUM                <>TYPE
    YES   motxx     -            5           Macro Motor

SCALERS  DEVICE  ADDR  <>MODE  NUM                <>TYPE
    YES   cntxx     -            5         Macro Counter
    YES   cntzz     -            5   Macro Counter/Timer

Here, the motxx, cntxx or cntzz entries for DEVICE are arbitrary user-created names that match the prefix for the macros associated with the particular macro-hardware controller.

The counter type is for plain counters that are started and stopped by the master timer and return count values for scaler channels. The counter/timer type is for a master timer. spec supports multiple macro hardware master timers. The wait() function will wait until all return a not-busy status.

To enable a macro-hardware MCA or image device, configure the controller on the MCA (1D) and Image (2D) configuration screen as follows:

MCA        DEVICE  ADDR  <>MODE                  <>TYPE
 0  YES     mcaxx     -                       Macro MCA

Image      DEVICE  ADDR  <>MODE                  <>TYPE
 0  YES     imgxx     -              Macro Image Device

Again, the mcaxx and imgxx entries are arbitrary names, but serve as the prefix to the macros.

The ADDR field is optional in all cases, but may contain a string value. For motors and counters, the value can be retrieved within spec using

motor_par(mne, "address")
counter_par(mne, "address")

where mne is the mnemonic of any motor or counter channel associated with the controller (as of spec release 5.06.04-4). For MCA and image devices, use

mca_spar(num, "address")
image_par(num, "address")

where num is the MCA or image device number. In addition, within the macro functions described below, the value will be assigned to a local variable named prefix_ADDR (as of spec release 5.06.04-8).

Nonstandard optional controller parameters, entered and modified using the p command on the Devices screen and stored in the config file prefixed by the string CONPAR:, are accessible within the macro hardware functions as elements of the associative array prefix_CONPAR[], where the array elements are indexed by the parameter name. In addition, the parameters for motors and counters are also available using

motor_par(mne, par)
counter_par(mne, par)

where mne is the mnemonic of any motor or counter channel associated with the controller and par is the parameter name (as of spec release 5.08.05-1). For MCA and image devices, use

mca_spar(num, par)
image_par(num, par)

where num is the MCA or image device number.

Individual motor and counters are assigned to macro-hardware controllers on the Motor and Scaler screens, respectively. On the Motor screen, select MAC_MOT as the controller type. For ordinary counters, choose MAC_CNT as the controller type on the Scaler screen. For polled counters (introduced in spec release 5.08.03-3), choose the MAC_CNTP controller type. The MAC_CNTR controller type is for a counter that will get polled while counting is active, but does not have a busy status (introduced in spec release 6.06.03).

Unit numbers for macro motors and counters are assigned consecutively, starting at zero for each macro motor controller and for each macro counter controller.

The Macro Functions

For standard macro motors, macro counters, macro MCA devices and macro image devices, the three possible user-defined macro functions have names formed by prepending the prefix defined in the config file to _config(), _cmd() and _par(). For calculational pseudomotors, a _calc() function is needed rather than the _cmd() function.

For the standard motor and counter macro functions, the first argument is the motor or counter number if the call applies to a single channel or the string ".." if the call applies to all channels associated with the motor or counter controller. For MCA and image devices, the first argument is the MCA or image device number, including the subaddress (if on is used) in the form unit.subaddress.

For all the _cmd() functions, the second argument is a string that contains a key specific to the command. Remaining arguments, if any, contain parameters.

If an optional ADDR string is included in the config file for the associated controller, the string will be assigned to a local variable named prefix_ADDR. Likewise, nonstandard optional parameters configured for the associated controller are assigned to a local associative array variable named prefix_CONPAR. Thses local variables are only visible within the macro functions.

To send an error back to spec from the macro functions, return the special string ".error.".

It may be helpful to set the spec DEBUG level to 128 to display the macro function calls. The debugging messages should make clear when, how and in what order the various macro functions are called.

The _config() Function

The prefix_config() function is called after reading the config file. On startup, the function is called after the initial command files have been read, so that macros defined in the initial command files can be used to set up the macro hardware. For regular macro motors and counters, this function is optional and need not exist. The function is required for calculation pseudomotors to configure the dependencies between real and pseudomotors. The function is also required for MCA and image devices to configure the maximum number of channels or pixels and the native data type.

The prefix_config macro function is called as follows:

prefix_config("..", "ctrl", p1, p2)
Called for each macro-hardware motor and counter controller unit. The parameter p1 is the unit number of the controller, while p2 is the number of channels set as NUM on the Devices screen of the configuration editor. If the function returns the string ".error.", spec will consider the controller unresponsive and won't call the macro functions for the associated channels.
prefix_config(mne, "mot", unit, module, chan)
Called for each macro motor channel, where mne is the motor mnemonic, unit is the unit number of the associated controller, module is the optional module number and chan is the channel number. For calculational pseudomotors, this call must return a string containing a list of mnemonics for the real motors on which the pseudomotor depends. If the function returns the string ".error.", spec will consider the channel unusable.
prefix_config(mne, "cnt", unit, 0, chan)
Called for each macro counter channel, where mne is the counter mnemonic, unit is the unit number of the associated controller, and chan is the channel number. The fourth argument is currently always zero. If the function returns the string ".error.", spec will consider the channel unusable.
prefix_config(num, "mca")
Called for each macro MCA, where num is the MCA number. This function must return a string with two arguments in any order: the maximum number of channels for the MCA and the native data type. The data type is one of the words byte, ubyte, short, ushort, long, ulong, float or double. An example return string is "4096 ulong". If the function returns the string ".error.", spec will consider the MCA unit unusable.
prefix_config(num, "image")
Called for each macro image device, where num is the image device number. This function must return a string with three arguments: the number of rows, number of columns and native data type. The data type is one of the words byte, ubyte, short, ushort, long, ulong, float or double. An example return string is "195 487 long" for 195 rows and 487 columns. If the function returns the string ".error.", spec will consider the image device unusable.

For motors and counters, the unit and channel numbers are assigned in the configuration editor just as with other motors and counters. Unit numbers are assigned consecutively to each controller type. That is, the first macro motor controller listed is unit zero, as is the first macro counter controller, both independent of other controller types. Counter unit and channel numbers are assigned explicitly on the Scaler screen of the configuration editor. Motor unit, module and channel numbers can be explicitly assigned in the unit/channel field of the configuration editor. If left blank, the channels numbers are assigned automatically in consecutive order.

For macro hardware designed for general purpose applications, these calls to the prefix_config() macro function can be used to set up the rest of the macro interface. For simple motor and counter applications, the prefix_config() function may not be needed at all.


The _cmd() Function For Motors

The prefix_cmd() function is called to control regular macro motors. The second argument of the function is a command key. There are many more command keys than any particular macro motor implementation needs. Only the command keys that are relevant to the particular application should be included in the user-defined macro function.

The syntax of the function call is:

prefix_cmd(mne, key [, p1 [, p2]] [, unit])
Called by the C code for all operations related to motor control. mne is the string ".." for keys that apply to all motors, such as with the keys "prestart_all" and "start_all". mne is the motor number for keys that apply to individual motors. Each key is only called one way or the other. key is a string containing the particular command. p1 and p2, if present, are parameters related to the command. If the mne argument is the string ".." the unit parameter will be included and specifies the unit number for which the command applies (as of spec release 5.07.03-3).

In the following, the phrase "sent when changed" means the prefix_cmd() macro function is only called with the given key before the first applicable move command or home command after spec reads the config file, either on startup or after a reconfig command (included in the config macro), or after the associated parameter has been changed using the motor_par() function.

Note, the prefix_cmd() macro function must not assign a value to any elements of the motor position A[] array.

Sent when changed. The p1 parameter contains the base rate in units of Hz.
Sent when changed. The p1 parameter contains the slew rate in units of Hz.
Sent when changed. Also called if the base rate or slew rate have changed, since some motor controllers need to be told to recalculate acceleration ramps if the velocity parameters change. The p1 parameter contains the acceleration time in units of milliseconds. The p2 parameter contains the acceleration in units of steps per second per second.
Sent when changed. The p1 parameter contains the home base rate in units of Hz.
Sent when changed. The p1 parameter contains the home slew rate in units of Hz.
Sent when changed. The p1 parameter contains the home acceleration time in units of milliseconds. The p2 parameter contains the home acceleration in units of steps per second per second.
Sent prior to a possible read of all the motors. Note, depending on the configured hardware read modes for the motors, there may be no subsequent commands to read a motor associated with this controller. Either "preread_all" or "preread_one" (below), but not both, will be called prior to the "position" call below.
Sent prior to reading an individual motor. Either "preread_all" (above) or "preread_one", but not both, will be called prior to the "position" call below.

For this key, the macro function must return the current motor position in dial units. This call will be preceded by a call with a key of either "preread_one" or "preread_all".

The macro-hardware motors use natural units for positions. For such motor controllers, spec only uses the steps-per-degree parameter in the config file to determine the precision of the position values. The precision is determined by the magnitude of the parameter. For example, a value of 1000 will cause spec to round to the nearest 0.001, while a value of 5000 will cause spec to round to the nearest 0.0002. The rounding is performed on the value returned by the "position" key.

Sent to set the current dial position of the macro motor. The parameter p1 contains the position in dial units.
For regular moves, sent if any motors associated with the macro motor controller need to be moved.
For regular moves and homing moves, sent for each motor that needs to be moved. For regular moves, a call of "prestart_all" comes first.
For regular moves, sent with the magnitude of the move in dial units. The parameter p1 contains the position in dial units and includes the sign of the move. The magnitude is also included with the "start_one" key (below).
Sent to start a regular move for one motor. The parameter p1 contains the target position in dial units to accommodate a controller that requires absolute positions. The parameter p2 contains the magnitude of the move in dial units to accommodate a controller that requires relative positions.
Sent after all "start_one" commands to accommodate controllers that use a simultaneous start.
Sent to get the move and limit status of individual motors. If the motor is moving, the macro function must return a value with bit 0x02 set. If the low limit is active, the return value must have bit 0x04 set. If the high limit is active, the return value must have bit 0x08 set. Setting bit 0x10 indicates an "emergency stop" and setting bit 0x20 indicates a motor fault (as of spec release 5.07.04-4), both of which currently result in similar behavior to when a limit is hit. Otherwise, the macro function must return a value of zero.
Sent before the "hard" position synchronization that occurs on startup and before and after reading the config and settings files on a reconfig command.
Sent for each motor after the "flush_all" key above and before a "get_status" during the position synchronization.
Sent for each active motor when motors are halted, normally either by a ^C from the keyboard or by a stop() command.
Sent to each macro motor controller that has busy motors when motor are halted. The key is sent after the "abort_one" keys are sent. This command accommodates controllers that allow a single command to halt all its associated motors.

Sent to initiate a home or limit search. A "prestart_one" call will precede this call. The parameter p1 indicates the type of search as follows.

Find the home position as appropriate.
Find the home position by moving in the positive direction.
Find the home position by moving in the negative direction.
Find the positive limit.
Find the negative limit.

If the underlying chg_dial() call includes the optional third argument or if the optional parameter "home_position" is set, the parameter p2 contains the position in dial units that corresponds to the home or limit switch.

Sent if the motor is configured for a settle time. To configure a motor for settle time, both the DC dead-band and the DC settle-time parameters have to be set (usually from the first optional motor parameter screen of the configuration editor - get there by typing an m from the primary motor screen). The settle-time parameter is in seconds. spec will wait for at least as long as the settle time before treating a move as complete. In addition, spec will wait until the value returned by this call is less than the dead band, but for no longer than five seconds. The preferred units for dead band are steps, but it is only necessary that the units in the config file agree with the units returned by this call.

Backlash is handled as two separate move commands. If the macro function will take care of backlash, set the backlash parameter to zero in the config file.

The default behavior with respect to reading the motor position is to only ask for the motor position from the controller during position synchronization or at the end of a move. The motor parameter "hardware read mode" (on the second optional motor parameter screen of the configuration editor) can be set to require spec to ask for the position before each move and/or for every read_motors() call from user level. The hardware read mode can also be set so that position discrepancies are always silently resolved in favor of the value returned by the controller (or macro function).

A minimal implementation would likely recognize the keys "start_one", "get_status", "position" and "set_position". An example that does nothing useful follows:

def motxx_cmd(mne, key, p1, p2) '{
    global demo_pos[]

    if (key == "set_position") {
            demo_pos[mne] = p1
    if (key == "position") {
    if (key == "start_one") {
            demo_pos[mne] = p1
    if (key == "get_status") {

The _par() Function For Motors

The prefix_par() macro function is called when various motor parameters are set and when the motor_par() function is used to retrieve a user-defined parameter. The mne argument will always be a motor number and never the string ".." that is used with the other user-defined macro-hardware functions.

The function will be called as:

prefix_par(mne, key, "get")
The function should return a value for the parameter named as key for motor number mne. The macro function will never be called to get a parameter value when key is a parameter name that is built into the spec C code.
prefix_par(mne, key, "set", p1 [, p2])
Called when various parameters change their value, as described below.

The built-in parameter names are as follows. The prefix_par() function will never be called with "get" for these parameters, as their values are maintained internally.

The first set below are called only when motor_par() is executed from user-level.

p1 contains the acceleration time in milliseconds. p2 contains the acceleration value in steps per second per second.
p1 contains the new backlash value in steps.
p1 contains the new backlash rate in Hz.
p1 contains the new base rate in Hz.
p1 contains 1 or 0, depending on whether the motor was disabled or un-disabled (available as of spec release 5.06.03-8).
"slew_rate" or "velocity"
p1 contains the new slew rate in Hz.
p1 contains the new step-size parameter.

The following two keys are called when an associated function is executed from user level.

p1 contains the low limit in dial units. p2 contains the high limit in dial units. Called when the user-level set_lim() function is executed.
Called when the user-level chg_offset() function is executed. p1 contains the offset in user units.

The following optional motor parameters generate a call to the user-defined macro-hardware function when the values are read from the config file and when the values are set with the motor_par() function. See the motors help file for additional information on the parameters.


There are a number of valid arguments to motor_par() which will not generate a call to the prefix_par() macro function at all. These include "unit", "channel", "responsive", "controller", "device_id", "active", "status", "writable", "offset", "sign", "depends", "move_time", "config_step_size", "config_acceleration", "config_velocity", "config_base_rate", "config_backlash", "high_lim_hit", "low_lim_hit", "low_limit" and "high_limit".

Arguments to motor_par() that are not recognized by the built-in C code will be passed on, as is, to the prefix_par() user-defined macro function.

Calculational Pseudo Motors

For calculational pseudomotors, two macro functions must be provided with names formed by prepending the prefix from the config file to prefix_config() and prefix_calc().

The prefix_config() function, when called with the key equal to "mot", must return a string that contains a space-delimited list of mnemonics for the real motors on which motor mne depends.

The prefix_calc() macro function will be called as follows:

prefix_calc(mne, mode)
When called with mode equal to zero, the function should assign a value to A[mne] corresponding to the current position of the pseudomotor mne. When called with mode equal to one, the function should assign a value to A[mne] corresponding to the target position of the real motor mne.

When called to calculate the real motor positions for a move (with mode equal 1), the function will first be called with mne set to the string "..", then called with each of the real motor mnemonics as arguments, in turn. One can use the initial call to calculate quantities that depend on the current positions of the real motors before new values are assigned in subsequent calls.

The prefix_calc() function should only include commands to calculate pseudomotor positions from real motor positions or vice versa. The function should not contain calls to do hardware access. In fact, calls to the built-in functions wait() or read_motors() will return immediately if called from the prefix_calc() macro function, to avoid possible recursion as those built-in functions can subsequently call the invoking prefix_calc() macro function.

Note, if the pseudomotor is disabled via motor_par(mne, "disable", 1) the calls to prefix_calc() with mode equal to 1 will be skipped. That will prevent new positions from being calculated for the associated real motors.

With spec release 5.06.04-4, a special motor_par() option called "chan0" is available for macro motors. The command

motor_par(mne, "chan0")

will return the motor number of the macro motor in the first channel of the same controller unit and module number of the macro motor with mnemonic mne. This feature allows for simplified implementation of general-purpose calculational pseudomotors. For example, if there are parameters associated with a group of motors, one copy of the parameters can be assigned to the "chan0" motor and then accessed by the related motors.

There is a known problem when using calculational pseudomotors with a spec server. If the pseudomotors are configured only on the server, the client should connect only to the pseudomotors and not connect to the real motors. Alternatively, the client can configure the pseudomotors locally and only connect to the real motors on the server. (In this latter configuration, the server can also be configured with the same calculational pseudomotors.) Having a client connecting to both the calculational pseudomotors and the associated real motors on a spec server does not work well, particularly when the client does scans of the real motors.

The following example implements calculational pseudomotors for a slit. The slit has two blades whose real motors have mnemonics sl2t and sl2b (slit 2 top and bottom). The pseudomotors are the slit gap and the slit offset position with mnemonics sl2g and sl2o, respectively.

The Devices screen of the configuration editor should look as follows for the controller:

MOTORS   DEVICE   ADDR  <>MODE  NUM               <>TYPE
  YES     slit2                   2          Macro Motor

The macros would be as follows:

def slit2_config(mne, type, unit, module, chan) '{
      if (type == "mot")
              return "sl2t sl2b"
def slit2_calc(mne, mode) '{
      if (mode == 0) {
              if (mne == sl2g)
                      A[sl2g] = A[sl2t] + A[sl2b]
              if (mne == sl2o)
                      A[sl2o] = (A[sl2t] - A[sl2b])/2
      } else {
              if (mne == sl2b)
                      A[sl2b] = -A[sl2o] + A[sl2g]/2
              if (mne == sl2t)
                      A[sl2t] = A[sl2o] + A[sl2g]/2

The following make_slit_macs macro can be used to generate macros such as the above.

def make_slit_macs '{
    local   name, file
    local   l, r, g, o

    file = getval("File for macros", "tty")
    name = getval("Name of slit", "Slit1")
    r = getval("Mnemonic for right/top slit", "s1r")
    l = getval("Mnemonic for left/bottom slit", "s1l")
    g = getval("Mnemonic for gap", "s1vg")
    o = getval("Mnemonic for offset", "s1vo")

    fprintf(file, "\n\
def %s_config(mne, type, unit, module, chan) \'{\n\
    if (type == \"mot\")\n\
            return \"%s %s\"\n\
def %s_calc(mne, mode) \'{\n\
    if (mode == 0) {\n\
            if (mne == %s)\n\
                    A[mne] = A[%s] + A[%s]\n\
            if (mne == %s)\n\
                    A[mne] = (A[%s] - A[%s])/2\n\
    } else {\n\
            if (mne == %s)\n\
                    A[mne] = -A[%s] + A[%s]/2\n\
            if (mne == %s)\n\
                    A[mne] = A[%s] + A[%s]/2\n\
}\'\n", name,l,r, name, g,r,l, o,r,l, l,o,g, r,o,g)

The following example implements a table-height pseudomotor with mnemonic t1z that is the average height of the three real motors t1f, t1b1 and t1b2 that correspond to the table legs. When the height is moved, each leg is moved by an amount equal to the difference of the current height and the target height. The current average height needs to be calculated from the current real-motor positions before the new positions are assigned. The feature where the prefix_calc() function is called with mne set to the string ".." before being called with the real motor mnemonics is used to save the average position in a global variable to be used in the subsequent calls.

def tab1_config(mne, type, unit, module, chan) '{
      global  tab1_ave
      if (type == "mot")
              return "t1f t1b1 t1b2"
def tab1_calc(mne, mode) '{
      if (mode == 0) {
              if (mne == t1z)
                      A[mne] = (A[t1f]+A[t1b1]+A[t1b2])/3
      } else {
              if (mne == "..")
                      tab1_ave = (A[t1f]+A[t1b1]+A[t1b2])/3
              else if (mne == t1f)
                      A[t1f] += A[t1z] - tab1_ave
              else if (mne == t1b1)
                      A[t1b1] += A[t1z] - tab1_ave
              else if (mne == t1b2)
                      A[t1b2] += A[t1z] - tab1_ave

This last example shows how an energy pseudomotor can be readily created that ties in with the standard spec energy macros from the energy.mac distribution file. Such a pseudomotor can then be scanned using the standard motor scans. Note, the existing energy macros, such as Escan, moveE, etc., will still work.

The prefix_config() function below makes use of the monochromator mnemonic conventions set in energy.mac.

def Energy_config(mne, type, unit, module, chan) '{
         if (type == "mot") {
                 if (mono_type == 1)
                 if (mono_type == 2)
                         return("mono mon_y mon_z")
                 if (mono_type == 3)
                         return("monu mond montrav")
                 if (mono_type == 4)
                         return("monu mond montrav monoff")
def Energy_calc(mne, mode) '{
         if (mode == 0) {
                 A[energy] = hc_over_e / LAMBDA
         } else {
                 calcM A[energy]

The prefix Energy and motor mnemonic energy are, as always, arbitrary, but must match the configured device name on the Devices screen and motor mnemonic on the Motor screen.


The _cmd() Function For Counters

The prefix_cmd() macro function for counters is called in response to spec's counter-related built-in functions and commands: tcount(), mcount(), wait(), stop(), move_cnt, getcounts and sync.

There are three possible counter channel configurations: a master timer, a regular counter channel or a polled counter channel. The function calls differ depending on the configuration.

A master timer belongs to controller type "Macro Counter/Timer" . The counter type is MAC_CNT and the individual channel is identified as either timer or monitor. For such a channel, the "start_one" call will include a nonzero parameter indicating the count mode as described below. Also, "get_status" calls will be made to determine when the count time has completed.

A regular counter channel belongs to controller type "Macro Counter" with counter type MAC_CNT and function type counter.

The polled counter type also has controller type "Macro Counter" and function type counter, but the counter type is MAC_CNTP. Polled counters will receive "get_status" calls to see when the counter is no longer busy.

A MAC_CNTR type is also polled with get_status calls, similar to MAC_CNTP, but doesn't need to return a status. The polling continues only as long as counting is active. The intention is to allow implementing an averaging counter, for example, a counter that reads a PIN photodiode and averages the readings. By default, the get_status calls will be made at the maximum polling rate, which is determined by how quickly the other devices can be read along with the hardware polling rate (configurable via the spec_par() "hdw_poll_interval" option) or the updated-counting rate (controlled by the UPDATE global variable). A minimum polling interval can be set for individual MAC_CNTR macro hardware counters via the optional counter parameter "min_read_time". Its value is the shortest time (in seconds) between successive polling calls.

The syntax of the function call is:

prefix_cmd(mne, key [, p1 [, p2]] [, unit])
Called by the C code for all operations related to counter/timer control. mne is the string ".." for keys that apply to all counters. mne is the counter number for keys that apply to individual counters. Each key is only called one way or the other. key is a string containing the particular command. p1 and p2, if present, are parameters related to the command. If the mne argument is the string ".." the unit parameter will be included and specifies the unit number for which the command applies (as of spec release 5.07.03-3).

When the "prestart_all" and "start_one" keys are sent as described below, the count-mode parameter will be set as follows:

0 this channel is not the master timer
1 count to a monitor preset - mcount()
2 count to a time preset - tcount()
3 just count until the counters are halted - move_cnt

Possible keys are as follows:

Sent to the controller (mne set to "..") before any counters are started. p1 will contain the count preset, either in seconds or monitor counts. p2 contains the count mode (1, 2 or 3), as in the above list. The fifth argument will contain the unit number of the controller.
Sent to start each counter at the start of the counting period. The function will be called for the regular counting channels before being called for the master timer channel. p1 is the count time in seconds if counting to time or in counts if counting to monitor. If mne is the master timer, p2 will contain 1, 2 or 3 to indicate the counting mode. If mne is not the master, p2 will be zero.
Sent to the controller (mne set to "..") before reading the status of counters being used as master timers or configured as polled counters (with type MAC_CNTP or MAC_CNTR) (as of spec release 6.08.03).
Sent after the counters have been started, but only to the master timer/counter, if there is one, or to any counters configured as polled (with type MAC_CNTP or MAC_CNTR). Must return nonzero if the channel is busy or zero if the counting is finished, except for type MAC_CNTR, for which the return value is not needed or used.
Sent to each macro counter controller (mne set to "..") before using the "counts" command to read each channel (as of spec release 6.08.03).
Called when spec's built-in getcounts function is executed. The macro function must return the current counts for scaler channel number mne. Note, all the scalers channels associated with real counters will have been read before the macro function call, so the values in the S[] counter array will be current for the non-macro counters.
Sent to each macro counter controller (mne set to "..") when counting is halted. The key is sent before the "halt_one" keys are sent. The third argument will contain the unit number of the controller.

Sent to each active counter when counting is halted. The p1 argument will be zero if called at the end of normal counting and one if called when ^C is typed at the keyboard or when a stop() or sync command is entered or after motors have stopped with a move_cnt.

Commands to halt counters are sent when a preset count time elapses, if a ^C is typed from the keyboard, when a stop() or sync command is encountered from user-level or after motors have stopped when the move_cnt command is used.

The _par() Function For Counters

There are currently no built-in keywords that produce calls to the prefix_par() macro function for counters. The macro function will only be called when spec's user-level counter_par() function is called to set or retrieve an otherwise unrecognized parameter.

The function will be called as:

prefix_par(mne, key, "get")
The function should return a value for the user-defined parameter named as key for counter number mne.
prefix_par(mne, key, "set", p1)
Called to set the user-defined parameter key to p1 for counter number mne.

The mne argument will always be a counter number and never the string "..".

A call of counter_par() to set "disable" mode on or off will be passed through to prefix_par().

Built-in arguments to counter_par() that are not passed to the prefix_par() macro function include "unit", "channel", "responsive", "controller", "device_id", "scale", "monitor" and "timer".

MCAs and Image Devices

The _cmd() Function For MCA and Image Devices

The MCA device prefix_cmd() function is called when spec's mca_get(), mca_sget(), mca_put() and mca_sput() built-in functions are used. Image devices are associated with image_get() and image_put(). The prefix_cmd() macro function for both types of device gets called from tcount(), mcount(), move_cnt, wait(), stop() and sync. The prefix_cmd() macro function is also called in response to the standard mca_par(), mca_spar() and image_par() commands "clear", "run" and "halt".

For MCA devices, the syntax of the function call is:

prefix_cmd(num, key [, p1 [, p2 [, data]]])
Called by the C code for operations related to MCA control. num is the MCA number. key is a string containing the particular command. p1 and p2, if present, are parameters related to the command. For the mca_get() and mca_put() functions, data will be a data array for sending or receiving the MCA data.

For image devices, the syntax of the function call is:

prefix_cmd(num, key [, p1 [, p2 [, p3, p4, p5]]])
Called by the C code for operations related to image-device control. num is the image-device number. key is a string containing the particular command. p1 through p5 are parameters related to the command.

None of the keys are mandatory in the implementation. Possible keys are as follows:

Sent in response to mca_par("clear") or image_par("clear") and before "run" when "auto_clear" mode is enabled. There are no additional parameters.

Sent in response to mca_par("run") or image_par("run") and at the start of counting associated with the standard tcount(), mcount() and move_cnt commands when "auto_run" mode is enabled. If "soft_preset" mode is enabled, p1 will be the counting preset (seconds or monitor counts), otherwise p1 will be the value set with the mca_par() "preset" option. p2 will be the count mode, as follows:

1   called by mcount()
2   called by tcount()
3   called via move_cnt
4   called by mca_par("run")
Sent in response to mca_par("halt") or image_par("halt"). Also sent at the end of counting associated with the standard tcount(), mcount() and move_cnt commands if "auto_run" mode is enabled, but only when "soft_preset" is not enabled and the "preset" value set via mca_par() or image_par() is zero. The p1 argument will be zero if called at the end of normal counting and one if called when ^C is typed at the keyboard, when a stop() or sync command is entered or after motors have stopped with a move_cnt.
Called during counting. A return value of one will indicate the MCA or image device is still busy.
"read" (for MCA)
Sent to read data. p1 and p2 are the first and last channels to be read, respectively, reflecting the optional first and last channel arguments to mca_read(). data is a data array of the native type (configured with the prefix_config() call) where the data should be written. The optional return value is the number of points actually read. The value will be used by mca_get() to determine how many points to copy to the returned array. If no value is returned, mca_get() will use the requested number of points.
"write" (for MCA)
Sent to write data. p1 and p2 are the first and last channels to be written, respectively, reflecting the optional first and last channel arguments to mca_write(). data is a data array of the native type (configured with the prefix_config() call) where the data can be read. The optional return value is the number of points actually written.

The "read" and "write" keys for images are called with region of interest (ROI) parameters. The parameters are set with image_par() as described below. The ROI parameters define which part of the image should be returned (with "read") or written (with "write"). If no ROI has been defined, the values will encompass the entire image. The ROI arguments can be ignored if not meaningful with the particular implementation.

"read" (for images)
Sent to read data. p1 is a data array of the native type. p2 through p5 define the region of interest (ROI) in the order first row, last row, first column, last column. The optional return value is the number of points actually read.
"write" (for images)
Sent to write data. p1 is a data array of the native type. p2 through p5 define the region of interest (ROI) in the order first row, last row, first column, last column. The optional return value is the number of points actually written.

The _par() Function For MCA and Image Devices

The prefix_par() macro function is called when various MCA or image device parameters are set, and when the mca_par(), mca_spar() or image_par() functions are used to retrieve a user-defined parameter. The num argument is the MCA or image device number.

The standard mca_par() and image_par() commands "info", "auto_run", "soft_preset", "auto_clear", "native_type" and "preset" are handled by spec's built-in code and will not generate calls to the prefix_par() macro function, although the value set for "preset" will be included in the arguments passed to prefix_cmd() with "run".

The read-only MCA commands "chans" and "max_chans" are also handled by spec's built-in code. Similarly, the read-only commands "rows" and "cols" that apply to image devices are handled by the built-in code.

In addition, the region-of-interest (ROI) commands for images, "row_beg", "row_end", "col_beg", "col_end" and "roi", are implemented in the built-in code. The first four set or get a single parameter. The "roi" option takes four additional arguments in the order row_beg, row_end, col_beg and col_end. The "roi" option without parameters returns the number of points in the current ROI. The ROI parameters are passed to the prefix_cmd() function as arguments for the "read" and "write" keys.

The standard "disable" call will be passed to the prefix_par() function when setting or clearing the disabled state.

The mca_par() command "chan#" will generate a call to the prefix_cmd() function with a "read" or "write" key, as appropriate with the ROI values set to the indicated channel number.

The prefix_par() function will be called as:

prefix_par(num, key, "get")
The function should return a value for the user-defined parameter named as key for MCA or image device number num.
prefix_par(num, key, "set", p1)
Called to set the user-defined parameter key to p1 for MCA or image device number num.

The spec mca_par() and image_par() commands will return a zero for "set" and "get" parameters that are ignored by the prefix_par() functions.

MCA and Image Device Counting Mode Summary

The "auto_run" mode must be enabled for the standard spec counting commands to control the MCA or image device. If the "soft_preset" mode is enabled, when the prefix_cmd() function is called with the "run" argument, p1 will be the count time -- in seconds with tcount() (counting to time) and in counts with mcount() (counting to monitor). In "auto_run" mode, the macro hardware device will be polled using "get_status". If the device takes longer to count than the master timer, spec will wait until the device has finished. The "halt" command is not called at the normal end of counting, but is called if counting is stopped with stop() or aborted with ^C or sync.

If "soft_preset" is disabled, when the prefix_cmd() function is called with the "run" argument, p1 will be the value set using the "preset" command to mca_par() or image_par(), or zero if the value has not been set. If the value is nonzero, spec will poll the MCA until it returns a non-busy status. Thus one can have the macro hardware MCA count to a different preset than the master timer. If the preset value is zero, the MCA will be sent a halt command when the master timer reaches the end of the count interval.

The p1 argument will be zero for powder-mode counting with the move_cnt command, and the device will be sent a "halt" command when the designated motor has completed its trajectory.

In all cases, a count abort will generate a "halt" command.