
"tweak" motors


tw  motor [motor2 ...] delta [delta2 ...] [ctime]


The tw macro is used to interactively move one or more motors in small increments. Each time you hit return the motor or motors specified in the arguments will be moved the amount given by the corresponding delta parameters. The delta parameters can be of different signs for the different motors. You can change directions for all the motors by typing + or - (or p or n) before hitting return. You can also enter a new (signed) delta for the first motor for subsequent moves. The delta for the other motors will be changed proportionally.

If the optional ctime parameter is given, the results of counting for the specified time will be displayed after each move. If the settling-time parameter _sleep (set by the setscans macro) is nonzero, counting will be delayed by the specified time.

If the global variable TW_BEEP is nonzero, the macro will beep when the moving and counting is finished for each iteration. By default, beeping is off.

If the global variable TW_UPDATE is nonzero, the moving and counting values will be updated on the screen using the value of the standard UPDATE variable as the delay between each update. By default, the updated mode is enabled.


tw th .01
tw tth th 1 .5 2

