Scientific Graphics and Data Analysis

2.5. - u create a UNIX subshell

lets you temporarily leave C-PLOT to perform other tasks. When you exit the subshell, you will be returned to C-PLOT.
u command
With no arguments, a subshell is created. If the environment variable SHELL is set to, for instance, /bin/sh or /bin/csh, that shell will be used. If the environment variable isn't set, the default /bin/sh will be used.

If a command string is entered after the u, /bin/sh is run to execute that single line, and the return to the plot program is immediate.

Don't try to change directory using u cd direc. This command will only change the directory of the subshell. The subshell disappears as soon as it has changed its directory and has no effect on the plot program. Use the cd command described above to change the current directory of the plot program.

To return to C-PLOT, exit the subshell; don't re-execute C-PLOT. When a subshell is executed, C-PLOT adds the variable CPLOTLOCK to the subshell environment. If C-PLOT is invoked again with CPLOTLOCK set in the environment, a message will appear warning of the nested invocation of C-PLOT.