
Software for Diffraction

  • latest - latest update notes
  • ascan - motor scan
  • a2scan - two-motor scan
  • a3scan - three-motor scan
  • a4scan - four-motor scan
  • abscan - incident-reflected angle scan
  • ackno - acknowledgements
  • acq - MCA/Image Acquisition and Region of Interest Configuration
  • agilis - Newport Agilis AG-UC2 and AG-UC8 Piezo Controllers
  • aisolutions - AI Solutions DAQ-ATDC/NDAQ - USB acquisition module (formerly "KISIM")
  • am9513 - PC board and USB counter/timers based on the AMD Am9513 chip
  • amptek - Amptek Pocket MCA 8000/8000A
  • anc - ANC150/ANC300 - Attocube ANC150/ANC300 Piezo Controllers
  • anka - RST Gamma interface as used at ANKA
  • arrays - array - declare a data array
  • attocube - Attocube ANC350 motor controller
  • br - br and ubr - move to the reciprocal space coordinates (HKL)
  • bsi_sp350 - BSI SP350 Controller Board - Baltic Scientific Instruments Si(Li) Detector with Peltier Cooling type SER-25
  • burleigh - Burleigh 6200ULN with 671 interface
  • c400 - FMB Oxford C400
  • ca - calculate motor settings for a given point in reciprocal space
  • cal - calculate motor settings for a given point in reciprocal space
  • camac - CAMAC interface
  • cat - UNIX shell cat command
  • cd - change working directory
  • changes - Update Notes For All spec Releases
  • cm4000 - Compumotor 4000 motor controller
  • cmAX - Compumotor AX motor controller
  • colors - color codes for high-resolution graphics
  • config - edit the hardware configuration
  • config_adm - configuration - administer hardware configuration file
  • constant - define a constant global symbol
  • counting - timer/scaler commands, macros and variables
  • cscan - Continuous Scans
  • ct - count and print results
  • dscan - dscan or lup - motor scan relative to the starting position
  • d2scan - two-motor scan relative to the starting positions
  • d3scan - three-motor scan relative to the starting positions
  • d4scan - four-motor scan relative to the starting positions
  • dac - Digital-To-Analog (DAC) Motors
  • daemon - Daemon Mode spec - run spec as a background daemon
  • data - built-in functions for handling internal data
  • data_pipe - data_pipe() or array_pipe() - integrate external programs into spec
  • dcx - PMC DCX-100 - PMC Corporation DCX-100 Motor Controllers
  • debug - set debugging level of diagnostic messages
  • decode - encode()/decode() - data stream manipulation
  • def - def and rdef - define a macro
  • disable - disable and enable - Disable and Enable Hardware
  • do - execute a command file
  • dp5 - Amptek DP5/PX5/DP5G/MCA8000D MCA products
  • dsp2190 - DSP Technology 2190 CAMAC MCS Averager
  • dtscan - relative temperature scan
  • E712 - Physik Instrumente E-712 Piezo Controller
  • editline - libedit/readline - command line recall and editing
  • eiger - Dectris Eiger X-Ray Detector
  • encode - encode()/decode() - data stream manipulation
  • epics - EPICS specific functions
  • equipman - MADOCA/equipman - SPring-8 MADOCA Framework
  • esrf - taco/esrf - TACO (ESRF) specific functions
  • fbus - Fieldbus - Fieldbus Interfaces: CAN, Modbus
  • files - conventions for file/device output
  • flow - flow control
  • flyscan - Continuous Scans with Multichannel Scalers
  • fourc - 4-circle geometry modes
  • funcs - functions - built-in functions
  • global - declare global variables
  • gpib - GPIB (IEEE 488) interface
  • greateyes - greateyes Full-Frame CCD Cameras
  • hdf5 - create HDF5 files
  • HDW_ERR - built-in symbol for identifying hardware errors
  • hecus - Hecus ASA-32 MCA
  • help_fmt - help format - help file format conventions and syntax
  • history - command recall facility
  • hkcircle - scan along an arc in the HK-plane in reciprocal space
  • hklmesh - scan over a 2d grid in reciprocal space
  • hklscan - general linear scan in reciprocal space
  • hkradial - scan along a radius in the HK-plane in reciprocal space
  • hlcircle - scan along an arc in the HL-plane in reciprocal space
  • hlradial - scan along a radius in the HL-plane in reciprocal space
  • hscan - scan along the H-axis in reciprocal space
  • ILL_2d - ILL 2D - ILL two-dimensional detector
  • install - spec installation procedure
  • ioports - I/O port access for PCs
  • IP28 - Microcontrole motor indexer
  • isel - isel iMC-M/iMC-MP 4-Axis Motor Controllers
  • ketek - Ketek DPP1 MCA-type device
  • kisim - AI Solutions DAQ-ATDC/NDAQ - USB acquisition module (formerly "KISIM")
  • kl2000 - Newport MM2000/MM3000 motor controller
  • klcircle - scan along an arc in the KL-plane in reciprocal space
  • klradial - scan along a radius in the KL-plane in reciprocal space
  • kontron - PC board and USB counter/timers based on the AMD Am9513 chip
  • kosmos - Kohzu Kosmos Series Aries/Lynx Motor Controllers
  • kscan - scan along the K-axis in reciprocal space
  • l - UNIX file listing
  • lc2301 - LeCroy 2301 CAMAC MCA Module
  • lc3588 - LeCroy 3588 Histogramming Memory Module
  • less - file perusal program
  • libedit - libedit/readline - command line recall and editing
  • lm - list motor software limits
  • ls - UNIX file listing
  • lscan - scan along the L-axis in reciprocal space
  • lscmd - list the built-in commands and functions
  • lsdef - list current macros
  • mab - move to a given incident and reflected angle
  • mac_hdw - macro-hardware facility
  • macros - description of macro facility
  • madoca - MADOCA/equipman - SPring-8 MADOCA Framework
  • mca - Multichannel Analyzer Support
  • mca8000 - Amptek Pocket MCA 8000/8000A
  • mclennan - Mclennan Motor Controllers
  • mcs2 - SmarAct Modular Control System 2 (MCS2) Devices
  • mcspci - mcs-pci - Ortec MCS-pci Multichannel Scaler
  • mesh - 2d grid scan
  • meteor - Matrox Meteor PC Board Frame Grabber
  • microfast - Oxford/Tennelec/Nucleus Microfast MCA
  • mizar - Mizar MZ 8310 Counter/Timer Module
  • mk - mk and umk - move to the reciprocal space coordinates (HKL)
  • mmc100 - MMC-100 - Micos MMC-100 piezo motion controller
  • modbus - Fieldbus - Fieldbus Interfaces: CAN, Modbus
  • mono - monochromator - monochromator control macros
  • motors - commands and functions for controlling motors
  • move_info - move_info() - returns what would happen on a move
  • MPII - Canberra Multiport II USB/Socket MCA
  • mr - move to a given angle of specular reflection
  • multix - Multix ME100 Detector Module
  • mv - mv and umv - move one motor
  • mvd - move a motor in dial units
  • mvr - mvr and umvr - move a single motor relative to its current position
  • mythen - Dectris Mythen/Mythen2 MCA
  • ned - full-screen editor with windows
  • newfile - data file management
  • newmac - re-read the standard macro definitions
  • newport - Various Newport motor controllers
  • ni63xx - National Instruments 63xx PCIe counter/timer
  • ni660x - National Instruments 6601/6602 PCI counter/timer
  • nicomp - Nicomp Model TC-100 Autocorrelator
  • nigpib - National Instruments GPIB Controllers
  • nt2400 - Laboratory Equipment Corporation NT-2400 Ethernet Hardware
  • oms - Oregon Micro Systems motor controllers
  • oriel - Oriel 18092 motor controller
  • ortec - Ortec 974/994/995/996/997 Counters and Timers
  • pca - Oxford/Tennelec/Nucleus PCA II, PCA-3, PCA Multiport MCA
  • pcdig - PC-DIG - Coreco Imaging (ITI) PC-DIG Frame Grabber
  • phymotion - Phytron phyMOTION Motor Controllers
  • phytron - Phytron motor controllers
  • pi_gcs - Physik Instrumente GCS2 Motor Controllers
  • piezojena - piezojeno - Piezosystem Jena GmbH Voltage Amplifier
  • piper - using spec as the back end of a pipe
  • plot - make plots of the last scan
  • plot_cntl - plot_cntl() - control of built-in plotting
  • powder - setpowder - Configure powder mode scans
  • prdef - print macro definitions
  • print - printing - producing formatted output
  • psic - PSI-circle geometry modes
  • pwd - print spec's current working directory
  • px4 - Amptek PX4 USB/Serial MCA
  • qdo - execute a command file without echo
  • queue - queue() - schedule commands to run later
  • rscan - specular reflectivity scan
  • r2scan - reflectivity background scans
  • radicon - Radicon SCSD-3C scintillation detector with timer/counter
  • readline - libedit/readline - command line recall and editing
  • resume - continue an aborted scan
  • riso_tdc - TDC - Risoe TDC
  • roi - MCA/Image Acquisition and Region of Interest Configuration
  • rpi - rpi_io() - Raspberry PI GPIO
  • scans - scans and scans.4 - read data from ASCII spec data format scan files
  • scantypes - scans - Scan Types
  • serial - RS-232C interface functions
  • server - spec server/client - issue commands and control hardware remotely
  • server_hdw - server-hardware facility
  • set - define the user angle of a motor
  • set_dial - define the dial position of a motor
  • set_lm - set lower and upper software limits
  • set_sim - set_sim() - set simulate (no hardware) mode
  • setplot - set plotting options
  • setpowder - setpowder - Configure powder mode scans
  • setscans - configure scan options
  • showtemp - display the current temperature
  • sigmatech - Sigmatech FC-501A motor controller
  • sis3820 - Struck SIS3820 VME Scaler
  • sixc - 6-circle geometry modes
  • smaract - SmarAct GmbH SCU and MCS controllers for micro- and nanopositioning
  • sock_io - sock_io() (deprecated) - Connect to sockets
  • sockets - Connect to sockets
  • spec - spec, fourc, twoc, surf, etc. - X-ray diffractometer operation for specific configurations
  • spec_menu - spec_menu() - create interactive menu from specifications
  • spec_par - spec_par() - sets internal parameters
  • splot - macro for screen plot
  • star1 - Photometrics STAR 1 CCD Camera and Controller
  • startup - procedure to initialize parameters
  • syms - list of known symbols
  • syntax - interpreter syntax
  • taco - taco/esrf - TACO (ESRF) specific functions
  • tango - TANGO specific functions
  • te - read or set the temperature
  • teramp - ramp the temperature to a new set point
  • thorlabs - Thorlabs ATP Controllers
  • tmcl - Trinamic Motion Control Language (TMCL) motor controllers
  • trinamic - Trinamic QUADpack/SIXpack motor controllers
  • tscan - temperature scan
  • tw - "tweak" motors
  • u - create a UNIX subshell
  • undef - remove a macro definition
  • usbctr - USB-CTR - Digilent USB-CTR4 and USB-CTR8
  • vi - invokes the standard UNIX visual editor
  • vme - VME interface
  • vscan - Variable Step Size Scans
  • vxi11 - Connect to VXI-11 RPC servers
  • w - wait for moving and counting and then beep
  • wa - list all motor positions
  • wait - wait() - synchronization with moving, counting and other activity
  • wh - where, principal axes and reciprocal space
  • whats - identify what an object is
  • wizard - Wizard mode for hardware permissions
  • wm - print information about one or more motors
  • x11 - spec graphics under the X Window System
  • xiahsc - XIA HSC-1 - XIA Huber Slit Controller
  • zero - search for or set a motor's mechanical zero
  • chg6_13 - changes - Highlights for spec release 6.13
  • chg6_12 - changes - Highlights for spec release 6.12
  • chg6_11 - changes - Highlights for spec release 6.11
  • chg6_10 - changes - Highlights for spec release 6.10
  • chg6_09 - changes - Highlights for spec release 6.09
  • chg6_08 - changes - Highlights for spec release 6.08
  • chg6_07 - changes - Highlights for spec release 6.07
  • chg6_06 - changes - Highlights for spec release 6.06
  • chg6_05 - changes - Highlights for spec release 6.05
  • chg6_04 - changes - Highlights for spec release 6.04
  • chg6_03 - changes - Highlights for spec release 6.03
  • chg6_02 - changes - Highlights for spec release 6.02
  • chg6_01 - changes - highlights of modifications for spec release 6.01
  • chg6_00 - changes - highlights of modifications for spec release 6.00
  • chg5_10 - changes - highlights of modifications for spec release 5.10
  • chg5_09 - changes - highlights of modifications for spec release 5.09
  • chg5_08 - changes - highlights of modifications for spec release 5.08
  • chg5_07 - changes - highlights of modifications for spec release 5.07
  • chg5_06 - changes - highlights of modifications for spec release 5.06
  • chg5_05 - changes - highlights of modifications for spec release 5.05
  • chg5_04 - changes - highlights of modifications for spec release 5.04
  • chg5_03 - changes - highlights of modifications for spec release 5.03
  • chg5_02 - changes - highlights of modifications for spec release 5.02
  • chg5_01 - changes - highlights of modifications for spec release 5.01
  • chg5_00 - changes - highlights of modifications for spec release 5.00
  • chg4_05 - changes - highlights of modifications for spec release 4.05
  • chg4_04 - changes - highlights of modifications for spec release 4.04
  • chg4_03 - changes - highlights of modifications for spec release 4.03
  • chg4_02 - changes - highlights of modifications for spec release 4.02
  • chg4_01 - changes - highlights of modifications for spec release 4.01
  • chg4_00 - changes - highlights of modifications for spec release 4
  • chg3_03 - changes - highlights of modifications for spec release 3.03
  • chg3_02 - changes - highlights of modifications for spec release 3.02
  • chg3_01 - changes - highlights of modifications for spec release 3.01
  • chg3_00 - changes - Highlights of modifications for spec release 3.00
  • chg2_15+ - changes - highlights of modifications for spec release 2.15+
  • chg2_15 - changes - highlights of modifications for spec release 2.15
  • chg2_14 - changes - highlights of modifications for spec release 2.14
  • chg2_13 - changes - highlights of modifications for spec release 2.13
  • chg2_12 - changes - highlights of modifications for spec release 2.12
  • chg2_11 - changes - highlights of modifications for spec release 2.11
  • chg2_10 - changes - highlights of modifications for spec release 2.10
  • chg2_09 - changes - highlights of modifications for spec release 2.9
  • chg2_08 - changes - highlights of modifications for spec release 2.8
  • chg2_07 - changes - highlights of modifications for spec release 2.7
  • chg2_06 - changes - highlights of modifications for spec release 2.6
  • chg2_05 - changes - highlights of modifications for spec release 2.5