Scientific Graphics and Data Analysis

5.4. - lc line-control mode

allows multiply segmented lines to be drawn from a data set and/or the filling of shapes formed by consecutive data points.
lc state
Line-control mode lets you draw multiply segmented lines from a single data set, or draw filled shapes. Line-control information instructs the program whether to move to a point with the pen up or down while drawing with one of the line symbols. (With graphics filters, line-control information instructs the filter whether to draw continuously or not.)

Line-control information is associated with each point. A 0 (or blank) in the line-control column of a file provides continuous drawing. A 1 instructs the program to move to that point with the pen up. (The first point is always reached with pen up.) A 2 in the line-control column also means to move to the point with pen up, but the figure formed by subsequent points with 0 line control will be filled with the current "white" fill color.

Entered without parameters, lc toggles line-control mode on and off. If the command is entered with a 0 as an argument, line-control mode is turned off. Entered with a 1, it is turned on.

For example, with line-control mode on, the following 24 data points produce the displayed shapes: