Scientific Graphics and Data Analysis

5.9.1. - Axis type

 Usual mode   Alternate mode   Value   Octal 
 Automatic tick spacing   User tick spacing   1   01 
 Use normal auto-ranging   Entered ranges exact   2   02 
 Can move in end ticks   Don't move ticks   4   04 
 Use linear axis   Use logarithmic axis   8   010 
 Number axis   Don't number axis   16   020 
 Scientific notation   Engineering notation   32   040 
 Log axis decimal optional   Power-of-ten notation   32   040 
 Use trailing zeros   No trailing zeros   64   0100 
 Use leading zeros   No leading zeros   128   0200 
 Print all axis numbers   Don't print first number   256   0400 
 Draw tick marks   Don't draw tick marks   512   01000 
 Ticks inside axis   No ticks inside axis   1024   02000 
 No ticks outside axis   Ticks extend past axis   2048   04000 
 Dual-height ticks   Uniform ticks   4096   010000 
 Normal tick marks   Tick marks form a grid   8192   020000 
 Draw axis and numbers   Don't draw them   16384   040000 

Note that the first three axis modes above -- user-defined tick spacing:exact ranges and axis padding -- also can be selected using the ro command. Parameters for user-defined tick spacing normally are entered using the ro command. If selecting plot features interactively, you will be prompted for user-defined tick-space settings.