6.3. - ft
select font
controls the font used to draw text on the plot.
ft or ft #With no parameters, a summary of the available fonts is printed along with the code for the current font, and you are prompted to enter the code for a new font. Note that fonts also can be changed within a text string with the
# special-character sequence,
is the font code.
You also can select the font by giving its code as an argument. Code numbers are shown in the following table. Font 0 is the default font.

C-PLOT forms characters by plotting a series of lines. The font resolution refers to the size of the grid used to design the characters. The low-resolution font, font 0, uses a grid that is six units wide by eight units high. The medium-resolution font, font 1, uses a 13-by-13 grid. All the other fonts use the finest grid, which is 21-by-21.
The grid width includes the space between characters. The grid height is for the height of an upper-case letter.
Font 0 is a non-proportional font. That is, most characters are of the same width, though certain special characters are wider. All the other fonts use proportional spacing -- the widths of the characters vary, just as in the text of this manual.
All fonts contain all 94 printing ASCII characters. Fonts 0 and 2 contain C-PLOT's full special-character set, which is illustrated at the end of this chapter. Each other font except Gothic contains versions of the Greek letters and some of the special characters.
Note that high-resolution, multiline fonts may not be appropriate with low-resolution graphics devices or small character sizes.
See Appendix B for the character set available with each font.