Scientific Graphics and Data Analysis

7.9. - pk, zk draw key

draws the key, entered using gk, in the upper-left corner of the plot window or in another position you specify.
pk horz_offset vert_offset
pk xbox ybox zbox
zk [same options]
With no parameters, the key will be drawn starting at the default or the previously used position. You can use the plotter controls to move the pen to another position before drawing the key, or you can position the key by entering values after the pk or zk command.

In 2D mode, if offsets are given as arguments, the key will be drawn horz_offset centimeters to the right and vert_offset centimeters down from the upper-left corner of the window. If one or both of the values entered for the offsets end with the letter u, the numbers are interpreted in data units corresponding to the axis numbering rather than in centimeters.

In 3D mode, offsets not in data units are in box units (see bo, Chapter 5). Box units run from 0 to 1 for positions inside the 3D cube. At present, the 3D key can only be placed in the x-z plane.

The default starting position for the key in 2D mode is h = 0.125 × x_length and v = 0.125 × y_length, where x_length and y_length are the dimensions of the plot window. The default starting position for the key in 3D mode in box units is x = 0.125, y = 0 and z = 0.125.

When the key is drawn based on the last-used position, that location is remembered in terms of its actual place in the plot window, not in data units.

The position used last is forgotten when the window is changed (wi) or the plot is turned (tu).

The spacing between lines can be adjusted using the set parameter command (see Chapter 6). The default spacing is 1.5 times the character height.