Scientific Graphics and Data Analysis

C.2.7. - Examples

Create a circle of 101 points, radius 3.
fn calc.4 n = 101; x = 3 * cos(pi*i/50); y = 3 * sin(pi*i/50)

Invert x, set error bars to the square root of y.
fn . x ^= -1; s = y ^ .5
fn . x = 1 / x ; s = sqrt(y)

Create a cosine curve of 201 points with x running from -10 to 10 radians.
fn . n = 201; y = cos(x = -10 + 20 * i / 200)

Increment the variable A, and increment each y by 0.2 times A.
fn .  once A += 1; y += A * 0.2
Note the once means A gets incremented once. You can now enter fn . to increase the y values by another step, perhaps repeating this operation to plot a series of curves offset by constant increments.