Scientific Graphics and Data Analysis

E.1.1. - Text and labels

The following macros set the text that would be entered interactively using the tx command.

 Name   What it Does 
 set_title(s  Assigns string s to title 
 set_xlabel(s  Assigns string s to x-axis label 
 set_xunits(s  Assigns string s to x-axis units 
 set_ylabel(s  Assigns string s to y-axis label 
 set_yunits(s  Assigns string s to y-axis units 
 set_zlabel(s  Assigns string s to z-axis label 
 set_zunits(s  Assigns string s to z-axis units 

For example,
set_title("Plot Of Very Interesting Results");
set_yunits(");                 /* No y units */
Strings not explicitly assigned retain their previous contents. The manifest constant TEXT_LEN is defined in the include files and contains the maximum number of characters allowed in any text strings.