Scientific Graphics and Data Analysis

E.1.3. - Plot type and logarithmic axes

The plot-type parameters control many of the features of the plot and are set within the plot program using the ty command.

 Name   What it Does 
 set_xtype(t  Assigns t to the x-axis plot type 
 set_ytype(t  Assigns t to the y-axis plot type 
 set_ztype(t  Assigns t to the z-axis plot type 
 set_gtype(t  Assigns t to the overall plot type 
 xlog_on()   Make the x-axis logarithmic 
 xlog_off()   Make the x-axis linear 
 is_xlog()   Value is nonzero if x-axis is logarithmic 
 ylog_on()   Make the y-axis logarithmic 
 ylog_off()   Make the y-axis linear 
 is_ylog()   Value is nonzero if y-axis is logarithmic 
 zlog_on()   Make the z-axis logarithmic 
 zlog_off()   Make the z-axis linear 
 is_zlog()   Value is nonzero if z-axis is logarithmic 

The values to assign to the plot types in the above macros are the same values used within the plot program. The macros to set or unset logarithmic axes simply add the appropriate values to the plot type.