Scientific Graphics and Data Analysis

10.3. - mk make a command file

provides a means for automatically creating a command file.
mk cmd_file
Typing mkcmd_file changes the prompt from PLOT-> to making->. Commands will be executed as they are entered.

Everything typed from the keyboard will be saved in cmd_file, with a few exceptions. Input to the gd 7 command will not be saved, nor will input to subshells or to user-defined functions, including fits, unless the fits are invoked with the -- argument described above. When you enter any of these commands, nothing you type will be saved in the command file until you are finished with the command. For example, a u command will create a UNIX subshell, where you may manually execute normal processes. When you return to the plot program on exiting the shell, subsequent commands will continue to be saved in the command file.

It is not possible to do a command file while making another command file or to execute an mk command from a command file. A do command can be inserted into the file being made, but that command file will not be executed until the parent command file is executed.

Most users employ a text editor for creating and maintaining command files, but sometimes find the mk command useful for creating a first draft. The save current format command, described below, provides an alternative starting point for making command files.