Scientific Graphics and Data Analysis

11.1.2. - Where user functions reside

Standard locations for user functions are the public function directory, $CPLOTHOME/functions, and your private function directory. The latter is set by the environment variable CPLOT_FN_DIR or by using the setfn_dir command within CPLOT_FN_DIR. If not explicitly set, the default private function directory is $HOME/functions, or if HOME is also not set, ./functions.

When you specify a function name in the commands described below, the program searches for the function according to the following rules.

1) If the function name contains a /, the function path is implied in the name, as in /users/moe/func.1 or ./func.2.

2) If the function exists in your private function directory that version will be used.

3) If there is an executable by the chosen name in the public function directory, that function will be used.

4) Otherwise, a new function will be created in your private function directory.