Scientific Graphics and Data Analysis

12.1. - Commands summary

The fit functions are interactive processes in their own right. Some of the commands recognized by the fits work the same way as the corresponding C-PLOT commands. Those unique to the fit process are explained in this chapter. A table of all the available commands is presented on the following page.

As in the plot program, all fit commands are one- or two-letter mnemonics. In table that follows, italic parameters are to be replaced with the appropriate characters for the desired instruction. Optional parameters appear in square brackets. When several parameters are shown separated by vertical lines, you use only one of them with the command. For commands that simply indicate options, consult the detailed command description for an explanation of the syntax.

 Command   Description 
 2d|3d   Select data exchange mode 
 cd [directory  Change directory1 
 ch [p#=value ...]   Calculate chi squared 
 do [cmdfile  Take commands from file1 
 em   End making a command file1 
 er   Erase the video screen1 
 ex   Exit the fit program1 
 fc   Set fit criteria and fit options 
 fi [options  Fit the data points3 
 fv [value  Set fit verbosity 
 gd [options  Get data points2 
 gp   Get parameter values 
 h   Get on-line help1 
 lm [# [low high]]   Set parameter constraints 
 md [x [y]] [o] [p#=v ...]   Make data 
 mk cmdfile   Make a command file 
 mr [x [y]] [/] [p#=v ...]   Make residuals 
 pg [x [y]]   Get points from the plot program4 
 ps [x [y]]   Send points to the plot program4 
 ra [0|#  Select range to fit 
 rp [file|. [#]]   Read parameters from a file 
 sa [file[a|w]]   Save data points1,3 
 sA [file[a|w]]   Save plot points3 
 sf [file[a|w]]   Save full parameters1,3 
 sF [file[a|w]]   Save full parameters and errors3 
 sp [file[a|w]]   Save parameters3 
 sP [file[a|w]]   Save parameters and errors3 
 u [command  Create a subshell1 
 vp   Select parameters to vary 
 wt [i|s|n|u]   Select how to weight data points 

1The commands cd, do, em, er, ex, h , sa and u use the same syntax as the plot program. Consult the previous chapters for descriptions.

2The gd command uses the same syntax as the plot program but only implements modes 1, 2 and 3. Provisions are made for reading additional independent variables if the user's function requires them.

3The commands fi, sA, sP, sF, sa, sf and sp can have their output directed to a file in addition to the terminal screen. The syntax is
cmd cmd_options > filename
cmd cmd_options >> filename
The first example will open filename for writing, and the second will append to filename. In either case, if filename is the single character . the same file is used as before, and the output is appended.

4The commands pg and ps are only available when the fit process is run as a user function from the plot program.