Scientific Graphics and Data Analysis

12.21.6. - Referring to independent variables

These next definitions show how to refer to the current value of the independent variable(s) to be used in the current evaluation of the fitting equation.
#define X       (M_flag? Make_x[0]:dp->d_xx[0])
#define X1      (M_flag? Make_x[0]:dp->d_xx[0])
#define X2      (M_flag? Make_x[1]:dp->d_xx[1])
#define X3      (M_flag? Make_x[2]:dp->d_xx[2])
/* etc. */
The integer variable M_flag is nonzero when evaluation of the fitting equation is being performed on behalf of the make data command, md, or the make residuals command, mr, and zero when the evaluation is being performed during fitting. The C-language ternary operator (?:) within parentheses evaluates to the expression on the left of the colon if M_flag is nonzero and the expression on the right of the colon otherwise.

Notice that the definitions of X and X1 are the same. The latter is for the case of multiple independent variables. You can of course change the defined names to make your fitting equation more readable.