
Software for Diffraction

3.13. - Standard Data-File Format

The data files created by the macros have a simple format. The files are ASCII. Control lines in the file begin with a # followed by a upper-case letter. Other lines are blank or contain scan data.

The control conventions are:
 Code   Parameters   Description 

 #C   comment   Comments inserted by many of the standard macros. 
 #D   date   A string representing the current date, in the format Wed May 4 23:59:49 1988
 #E   seconds   The UNIX epoch at the time the file was created. 
 #F   filename   The name by which the file was created. 
 #G1   parameters   Array G[] (geometry mode, sector, etc.) 
 #G2   parameters   Array U[] (lattice constants, orientation reflections) 
 #G3   parameters   Array UB[] (orientation matrix) 
 #G4   parameters   Array Q[] (LAMBDA, frozen angles, cut points, etc.) 
 #I   factor   A normalizing factor to apply to the data. 
 #jN   mnemonics   Counter mnemonics (N = 0,1,2,... eight per row) 
 #JN   names   Counter names (N = 0,1,2,... eight per row, each separated by two spaces) 
 #L   labels   Labels for the data columns (each separated by two spaces) 
 #M   counts   If counting to monitor counts, the number of counts. 
 #N   num [num2]   The number of columns of data that follow (num2 sets per row) 
 #oN   mnemonics   Motor mnemonics (N = 0,1,2,... eight per row) 
 #ON   names   Motor names (N = 0,1,2,... eight per row, each separated by two spaces) 
 #PN   positions   Postions of motors corresponding to #O/#o above. 
 #Q   H K L   A reciprocal space position. 
 #R   results   User-defined results from a scan. 
 #S   number   A new scan having scan number number follows, normally preceded by a blank line. 
 #T   seconds   If counting to time, the time used. 
 #U      Reserved for user. 
 #X   setpoint   The temperature setpoint. 
 #@MCA   fmt   This scan contains MCA data (array_dump() format, as in "16C"
 @A   data   MCA data formatted as above 
 #@CALIB   a b c   T{ 
 Coefficients for x[i] = a + b i + c 
 i2for MCA data. 
 #@CHANN   n f l r   T{ 
 MCA channel information (number_saved, first_saved, last_saved, reduction coef) 
 #@CTIME   p l r   T{ 
 MCA count times (preset_time, elapsed_live_time, elapsed_real_time) 
 #@ROI   n f l   T{ 
 MCA ROI channel information (ROI_name, first_chan, last_chan) 