
Software for Diffraction

2.3.5. - Keywords

The following names are reserved, being either grammar keywords or the names of built-in commands or functions. New reserved names may be added. The list can be obtained using the built-in command lscmd. Parentheses after a name indicate a function.
acos()        data_put()   gpib_par()   open()         sock_put()
array         data_read()  gpib_poll()  plot_cntl()    spec_menu()
array_copy()  data_uop()   gpib_put()   plot_move()    spec_par()
array_dump()  date()       gsub()       plot_range()   split()
array_fit()   dcb()        h5_attr()    port_get()     splot_cntl()
array_op()    decode()     h5_data()    port_getw()    sprintf()
array_pipe()  def          h5_file()    port_put()     sqrt()
array_plot()  deg()        h5_link()    port_putw()    srand()
array_read()  delete       history      pow()          sscanf()
asc()         dial()       if           prdef          stop()
asin()        dofile()     image_get()  print          strdef()
atan()        double       image_par()  printf()       string
atan2()       else         image_put()  prop_get()     sub()
bcd()         em_io()      in           prop_put()     substr()
break         encode()     index()      prop_send()    syms
byte          eprint       input()      prop_watch()   sync
ca_cntl()     eprintf()    int()        qdofile()      tan()
ca_fna()      eval()       length()     quit           tcount()
ca_get()      eval2()      local        rad()          time()
ca_put()      exit         log()        rand()         tty_cntl()
calc()        exp()        log10()      rdef           tty_fmt()
cdef()        exp10()      long         read_motors()  tty_move()
chdir()       extern       long64       reconfig       ubyte
chg_dial()    fabs()       lscmd        remote_async() ulong
chg_offset()  fbus_get()   lsdef        remote_cmd()   ulong64
clone()       fbus_put()   match()      remote_eval()  undef
close()       file_info()  mca_get()    remote_par()   unglobal
cnt_mne()     float        mca_par()    remote_poll()  unix()
cnt_name()    fmt_close()  mca_put()    remote_stat()  user()
cnt_num()     fmt_read()   mca_sel()    return         ushort
constant      fmt_write()  mca_sget()   rsplit()       vme_get()
continue      for          mca_spar()   savstate       vme_get32()
cos()         fprintf()    mca_sput()   ser_get()      vme_move()
counter_par() gensub()     mcount()     ser_par()      vme_put()
data_anal()   get_lim()    memstat      ser_put()      vme_put32()
data_bop()    getcounts    motor_mne()  set_lim()      vxi11_get()
data_dump()   getenv()     motor_name() set_sim()      vxi11_par()
data_fit()    gethelp()    motor_num()  shared         vxi11_put()
data_get()    getline()    motor_par()  short          wait()
data_grp()    getsval()    move_all     sin()          whatis()
data_info()   getval()     move_cnt     sleep()        while
data_nput()   global       move_info()  sock_get()     yesno()
data_pipe()   gpib_cntl()  off()        sock_io()
data_plot()   gpib_get()   on()         sock_par()