
Software for Diffraction - Keyboard Input

Reads a line of input from the keyboard. Leading white space and the trailing newline are removed and the string is returned. Returns the null string "" if only white space was entered. Example:
1.FOURC> def change_it '{
2.quot>     local it
3.quot>     printf("Change it? ");
4.quot>     if ((it=input()) != "")
5.quot>         change_mac(it)
6.quot> }'

As above, but prompts with the string prompt. Examples:
1.FOURC> input("Hit return when ready ... ")
Hit return when ready ... <return> 2.FOURC>

This function behaves differently depending on whether the input source is the keyboard or a pipe from another program (where spec is invoked with the -p fd pid option, with nonzero fd.)

In the usual case, if n is less than or equal to zero, the tty state is set to "cbreak" mode and input echo is turned off. Then input() checks to see if the user has typed a character and immediately returns a null string if nothing has been typed. Otherwise, it returns a string containing the single (or first) character the user typed. If n is less than zero, the cbreak, no-echo mode remains in effect when input() returns. If n is greater than zero, the normal tty state is restored (as it is also if there is an error, if the user types ^C or if the user enters the exit command). Also, no characters are read and the null string is returned. The normal state is also restored before the next main prompt is issued, whether due to an error, a ^C, or through the normal flow of the program.

On the other hand, when spec is invoked with the -p fd pid option, with nonzero fd, input() reads nothing but does return the number of characters available to be read. If n is nonzero, input() simply reads and returns a line of text, as if it had been invoked with no argument.

Reads a line of input from the keyboard. The function returns 1 if the user answers with a string beginning with Y, y or 1. The value of val is returned if the user simply enters return. Otherwise the function returns zero.

yesno(prompt, val)
As above, but prompts the user with the string prompt. The characters " (YES)? " are appended to the prompt string if val is nonzero. Otherwise the characters " (NO)? " are added.

Reads a line of input from the keyboard. If the user enters a value, that value is returned. The value of val is returned if the user simply enters return. The function works with both number and string values.

getval(prompt, val)
As above, but prompts the user with the string prompt. The string is printed followed by the current value of val in parenthesis, a question mark and a space. For example,
1.FOURC> DATAFILE = getval("Data file", DATAFILE)
Data file (pt100.133)? <return> 2.FOURC>

getsval(prompt, val)
Like getval() above, prompts the user with the string prompt, if present, then waits for a user response. The value of val is returned if the user simply enters return. If the prompt string prompt is present, the string is printed followed by the current value of val in parenthesis, a question mark and a space. Unlike getval(), this function does not convert hexadecimal or octal input (number strings that begin with 0, 0x or 0X) to the corresponding decimal value. Rather, the getsval() function returns the literal string as entered.