
Software for Diffraction - Merging Scans and Background Subtraction

The default +s option causes the data points from all the scans read in to be sorted by x values and data points with the same x value averaged. If data is to be normalized and/or error bars calculated, the appropriate weight is given to the count time for each point.

Scan numbers that end with the letter b are used as background scans. The sort-and-merge flag should be in effect when using background scans. Entering
fn . 12b 13 14b 15b 16 17b
for example, or
fn . 13-15 16-27b
will merge the data from the background scans with the data scans, subtracting the background counts from the data counts at each x value. When doing merging and background subtraction, the x values must be identical for the data points to be merged.